Nepali Date Converter

Nepali Date Converter converts Bikram sambat Nepali date to English date and vice versa. It is a date converter between Bikram sambat B.S and Gregorian calendar (Anno Domini)(A.D). Nepali Date converter is an important tool in our daily lives. If you want to change any date and time within a second, this tool helps you very quickly.

Nepali Date Converter

Most of the time you face problem due to the date systems. Around the world, there are so many dates that used in the local country. You may face problem due to this. For example, if you are going to fill the form (Application) of the Green Card Visa Lottery (E-DV visa) You must know the international date format which is also known as AD. For the international admission of the university, in passports, visas or for Job you need the English date. In the context of Nepal, we are using BS. Which stands for Bikram Sambat. The date Bikram Sambat is only used inside the country. While applying EDV also that date doesn’t work you need the English date. If you are thinking what to do for getting the English date. Be cool and log on to will provide you the best solution with its efficient Nepali Date Converter. You can convert your birthdates to English and vice versa.

Nepali Date Converter

Nepali Date Converter converts Bikram sambat Nepali date to English date and vice versa. It is a date converter between Bikram sambat B.S and Gregorian calendar (Anno Domini)(A.D). provides the users to convert the date in Faster, Better & Smarter way. Just open the blog go to Convert date tab and put the Nepali date you will get the English date instantly or vice versa. The interface of the blog is amazing, the speediness of the blog is the next plus point to using the Nepali Date Converter page.